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"Smile widely, look knowingly and burp"

(advice from Ben Roberts aged 4 Months).

Jonny Roberts is an artist, performer, writer and general fool.

He best known for being unknown.


He has a great love of tavern jokes, bawdy humour and the absurd. All of which are apparent in his work.


He creates artwork, writes, produces, performs and lectures. 


He often works in plaster, throws in concrete, models clay forms and makes silly digital collages. In the past he has created ceramic artwork, written about art history and has exhibited all over the place.


He performs as part of the anarchic duo "Frank Bobbins" and as the continually mutating "Ringmaster". He co-founded the symbiotic artspaces "Frank Bobbins Institute" (F.B.I.) and "Carousel Institute of Arts" (C.I.A).


For many years he has written, produced and performed in short comedy films with several collaborators, currently Secret Garden Productions, and Fisk Films.


Sometimes he is quite good.

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